Please take notice of the fact, that in order to prevent misuse of this demo, random elements of the output are scrambled.
To circumvent this restriction, please ask for the needed code at
Possible struki input formats are:
LTX-Ref: a le-tex XML-Format for structured literature. A simple example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<References ID="Bib1">
<Reference ID="CR1">
<Unstructured>Jan Schilbach: Strukturierte Literaturreferenzen mit Struki (2014, <i>le-tex</i>), <b>Leipzig</b>.</Unstructured>
The format schema can be found here: Schema-Zip
Multiple shortcuts are available, to help marking and navigating inside the manual structuring.
+ | Next reference |
# | Previous reference |
1 | structure as book |
2 | structure as chapter |
3 | structure as article |
4 | structure as website |
5 | leave unstructured |
The letter besides the element shows the shortcut for marking the respective type.
post "rest/structure/file/:input_format/:output_format(/:ref_style)(/:ref_style_language)(.:format)"
The call is intended to prepare the structuring of a file with multiple references. A set of URLs is returned, where the user can choose, whether to directly download the final result or to check and manually edit the automatically generated results.
Possible values
input_format: ltx, app, docx
output_format: ltx, app, docx (docx output only available with docx input)
ref_style: Basic|Chicago|Vancouver|MathPhys|APA|APS
ref_style_language: en|de
format: xml, json
The file to be structured has to be posted as "file" parameter.
Result: In the chosen format two URLs are returned.
Example JSON:
"manual_edit": http://strukidemo/structuring/structure/e25531dd7d41db9f96a3cf0a4dc4266accc6b171,
"check": http://strukidemo/structuring/show_demo_page/e25531dd7d41db9f96a3cf0a4dc4266accc6b171,
"final": http://strukidemo/structuring/finalize/e25531dd7d41db9f96a3cf0a4dc4266accc6b171
The manual_edit-URL shows the URL where the manual structuring of the uploaded file can be accessed. The check-URL shows, where the final result can be checked. Here the reference style and language can be changed. The final-URL shows, where the result can be downloaded. The XML format works analogously.
post "rest/structure/reference/(:input_type)/(:output_type)(.:format)"
The call is intended to structure a single reference. The XML of the structure result or if manual_url is choosen an URL is returned.
Possible values
input_type: xml, string
output_type: all, best, manual_url
format: xml
The reference to be structured has to be posted as "reference" parameter.
Result: "all" returns all possibilities struki found to structure the reference. "best" returns only the possiblity struki considers best. "manual_url" returns the url where the manual structuring can be reached.